Disposable Socks - Poltex International

Disposable Socks


  • Disposable Socks: US $ 0.40 / Pair
  • Size: 10″-13″
  • Per Case: 240 Pair/ Carton
Note: All items sold by Case Pack only.
SKU: PL-DP-1014 Categories: ,
Disposable socks are typically designed for single-use and are convenient in situations where temporary or one-time use is preferred. They are commonly used in specific environments, such as:
  1. Travel:
    • Disposable socks can be practical for travelers who want to keep their feet clean during long flights or while staying in hotels.
  2. Medical Settings:
    • In hospitals, clinics, or other medical facilities, disposable socks may be provided to patients for hygiene purposes.
  3. Guest Amenities:
    • Disposable socks are sometimes included in guest amenities at hotels, spas, or wellness centers to enhance the guest experience.
Item Description Price Qty.
Disposable Socks 10″-13″ $ 0.40 / Pair 240 Pair/ Carton
Note: All items sold by Case Pack only.
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